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The swan, a symbol of grace and power. In a mixture of water and milk, the swan can separate them and just extract the milk. We need to learn to detach ourselves from our external circumstances and like a swan, extract the beauty, the potential growth and the essential lessons that are offered us -at every moment - to discover our true self.

Sri Radha Govinda
Sri Radha Govinda is a Vedic astrologer and psychotherapist as well as an author and the founder of Mayapur Astrologic and psychosomatic Sacred Sciences. Her work has been covered in magazines, radio and TV shows. She has been a researcher of personality analysis and development, and has practiced various forms of alternative healings. She holds a degree in theology and Bhakti Vaibhava and has written blogs on premarital and marital topics as well as created courses on premarital training. Sri Radha Govinda has written books such as:
How to mess up your life with Astrology
Are you ready for Saturn?
The Wild Side Inside
Awaken your Spiritual Destiny
Naksatra - Reach your Hidden Potential
Get ready for Married life

Sri Radha Govinda has given seminars and courses in more than 20 countries and through her travels, learned to speak 9 languages. Her heartfelt desire and mission is to help couples and individuals to become the best versions of themself and to create healthy relationships with oneself and others and God.
Through the ancient vedic astrology, initially taught to her by her grandfather and further 20 years of studying under Astrology Guru Koilnambi Sampath Kumar (Melkote, India), Sri Radha Govinda can with the help of Astrology as her main tool, shed light on one's path in a way that we literally can’t find anywhere else on earth. With one's birth chart, we can see where we’ve been, where we are now, where we are going, and what the journey will be like. While not meant to replace prayer or meditation, astrology is one of the clearest, entirely personal, and detailed ways that the Divine talks to us. By understanding the karmic lessons we encounter throughout life and what each challenge is meant to teach us, we can more easily learn to flow with life and live more in the present moment with one self and others.
Therefore she is qualified to help you to upgrade to The New You.

The New You Coaching
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